Most writers or poets especially amateur and budding poets often ask on where or which platforms or forums can they post their piece for critique And Appreciation. By poems, I don't mean an ebook or anthology. I meant a single piece or poems. Below are some of the sites,platforms or forums writers and poets can post their poems. Top writing communities and forums. Writingforum. Com Creative writing forums Absolute write. Scribophile She writes. Jericho writes Inked voices. Critique circle. Writer's digest Writing sub reddits. . Poetry communities and forums. Arthut Facebook community Poetry for all Poetry soup forum All poetry forum Pig pen poetry Forums /communities for storyteller and fiction writers. Abctales. Com fantasy writers forum Prolific Nanowimo Mibba. Com Websites for poets to publish poetry for free. Poemhunter. Com Commaful. Com Poetry soup. Com Tum...